Design | October 23 2015

Join the FCA Fall Color Tour

There is so much to like about fall: a chill in the air (or snow, depending on how far north you live); the sweet smell of fresh apple cider and hot donuts; the warm embrace of a favorite sweater. Topping our list of favorites is a drive down roads trimmed with Mother Nature’s amazing color
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Fiat | October 23 2015

New vehicles from Fiat; new options for driving fun

Fiat has spent the past few weeks introducing new models around the globe which are diversifying the company’s product lineup beyond the traditional coupe. A pickup, a sedan and a new high-performance hatchback are among the new vehicles which have recently been revealed globally by Fiat. Abarth Punto and Avventura  Fiat introduced a pair of vehicles
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Community | October 22 2015

Growing STEM through ‘Engineers on Wheels’

Imagine the squeal of delight from a 4-year-old girl when she realizes she just helped build a circuit that fueled a toy car. Or, how about when the eyes of another young student light up because LED lights just made her Halloween costume glow? Those are just two of the ways that Engineers on Wheels
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Jeep | October 20 2015

Take the scenic route

Here’s a radical suggestion: The next time you have to take a long trip, drive it. When’s the last time you saw someone actually excited about flying somewhere? Yes, they’re thrilled with the destination. But the process of getting from here to there – absolute misery. There are lines, lines, everywhere a line. The scrum
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