Category Archives: Chrysler

Chrysler | September 22 2015

‘Fatchance 3 will be mainstream cool.’

John Fortuno – better known as “Fatchance” – had the opportunity to introduce his Fatchance 3, a modified 2015 Chrysler 300, in March at the Spring Festival of LXs. Spring Fest, which John helps organized, is the largest West Coast gathering of Chrysler 300 and Dodge Charger, Challenger and Magnum vehicle owners. But, like any customizer, John
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Chrysler | June 04 2015

Chrysler 300 still in ‘a class all its own’

Which two Chrysler vehicles were the basis for the Chrysler 300 exterior design when it debuted in 1955? How many wins did the Chrysler 300 have in its first two NASCAR seasons? When did we last see the Chrysler 300’s fins? In what year did the company unveil a Chrysler 300 based on the Cordoba?
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