Today on Father’s Day, we’re taking the opportunity to highlight one Stellantis dad who is making a big difference for his even bigger family!
Validation Facilitator Ken Baggallay’s fatherhood journey has been unique to say the least. In fact, it looks like something straight out of a Hallmark movie. Baggallay had always wanted to be a dad, and after hearing about the long list of older children waiting to be placed in foster homes, he saw an opportunity to jump in and help.
“When I decided to become a foster parent, it was my opportunity to have a son of my own. Now, 18 years later, I have fostered 21 children, and officially adopted seven of those, ranging in age from 14 to 28.”
When asked about what fatherhood means to him, he credits his sons as his mentors – not the other way around.
“While looking back at all I have learned as a parent, I give credit to my foster sons for the valuable lessons they have taught me.”
Baggallay opened his home and heart to kids that at times had been in the foster care system for years – showing up with open arms and a listening ear.
That’s just what fathers do.
“There’s so much they have been through and all I had to do was sit down and listen to their story to realize how lucky I was. They went through things that I know I could not have handled at their age and moved forward with a positive attitude as they have.”
Through unconditional love, support and guidance, many have aged into adulthood, racing toward their own unique goals and aspirations. At our recent Bring Your Kid to Stellantis event, his youngest adopted son, Kamrin said he’s interested in becoming an engineer in the automotive industry – taking inspiration from his dad, of course.
“Since working at Stellantis, my sons have seen a change in me. I’ve also noticed that I am happier in this position I have at the Company and I am never stressed out. At Stellantis, I am able to have a balanced life between home and work, which I appreciate tremendously.
“I have just recently joined the Working Parents Network business resource group (BRG) and have been helping with the School Bus Danger Zone presentation. I have 22 years of previous experience as a bus driver, and I know how important it is to get the message out there to be safe. I enjoy working with everyone in the group and look forward to the future.”
The mission of the Working Parents Network BRG is to provide a networking platform for all working parents at Stellantis, to connect and to share knowledge about all phases of parenting, from family planning and childhood development to mental health, college and beyond. Learn more about the Working Parents Network as well as our other business resource groups here.
Here’s to all the dads that are doing it all – crafting our future at work and at home. Happy Father’s Day!
Interested in learning more about becoming a foster parent in Michigan? Check out this helpful resource.