A vibrant community and a diverse workforce are attractive to potential employees. One of the ways we create, promote and maintain inclusion and diversity at Stellantis is through our business resource groups (BRGs). These groups provide networking opportunities, activities and meetings for our employees who share common interests and work to support greater cultural appreciation among our team. We have 11 BRG’s and an additional affinity group that employees are welcome to join.
Learn more about the BRGs available at Stellantis:
Asians Connected Together (ACT): ACT consists of employees from more than 40 countries and regions in Asia, including the Middle East. For Asian Heritage Month, which is celebrated every May, ACT provides poster displays of prominent Asian Americans, motivational seminars and an Asian-inspired potluck lunch. ACT members provide community service to Forgotten Harvest and support of Big Brothers Big Sisters. ACT networking events also celebrate Asian culture, including a Diwali celebration, Chinese New Year celebration and annual picnic.
DIVERSE•Abilities Network: With a goal to create and sustain a diverse and inclusive environment that actively supports and respects employees with disabilities, employees who are caregivers of family members with disabilities and employees responsible for the care of an elder loved one, DIVERSE•Abilities hosts multiple speakers a month to discuss difficult topics that our employees may need help navigating. Most recently, DIVERSE•Abilities hosted a lunch and learn session with Gilda’s Club Metro Detroit, a nonprofit that provides support, networking groups, social activities, lectures and workshops for cancer patients, survivors and their families.

First Nations: First Nations works to increase Native American representation and cultural awareness through recruitment, language, art, gardening and music. In May, 81 members of First Nations participated in the Missing and Murdered Indigenous Relatives Walk for Justice, the largest number of any team at the event. Other recent activities include hosting a reed basket weaving workshop and partnering with Protect Native Elders to distribute face masks to tribal communities.

Latins In Connection (LinC): One goal of LinC is to help connect people from different countries, cultures and races, all with respect and mutual understanding. Celebrations include the annual Cinco de Mayo parade and numerous activities and events throughout Global Latin Heritage Month. LinC celebrates the diversity of its communities and cultures with traditions, holidays and food from around the world. LinC also provides tools to promote professional growth and development to its active members, including mentoring programs and a career development series.

Middle Eastern Employees Together (MEET): Through collaboration and partnership with organizations that focus on the inclusion and cultural needs of MEET members, including the National Network for Arab American Communities, Arab American Institute, Arab American Heritage Council, Chaldean Foundation, Center for Arab American Philanthropy, Arab American National Museum, American Lebanese Foundation and Arab American Professional Network, our newest BRG hosts speakers, celebrates traditions, including food, art, language and social events, and shares information on Middle Eastern culture.

Prism LGBTQ+ Alliance: Prism represents lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer (LGBTQ+) employees and their allies at Stellantis. Prism focuses on policy and benefit topics that are unique to the community, coordinates activities and programs, such as employee mentoring and external networking events, and supports the external LGBTQ+ community locally and nationally by coordinating charity benefits and volunteer opportunities. Prism hosts educational workshops, including a recent discussion on parenting and supporting LGBTQ+ children, and creates displays and celebrations for events such as Pride Month and National Coming Out Day.

Stellantis African American Network Diaspora (STAAND): STAAND helps to ensure Stellantis achieves and sustains world-class performance in all aspects of business by providing inspiration, education, exposure and development of African American employees. STAAND hosted a virtual escape room as part of their celebration of Juneteenth.

Veterans Group: The Veterans Group supports the military veteran community by inspiring a passion to serve. The Veterans Group shares information that can be useful for veterans, those who know a veteran and those who know someone in the military. Membership is open to all employees. Being a veteran is not a requirement. Areas of focus for the Veterans Group include diversity and inclusion of active duty military and veteran communities, education and hiring, and mental health and homelessness, developing and implementing meaningful resources and tools that help combat suicide rates and homelessness.

Women in Manufacturing: The mission of Women in Manufacturing is to engage women in activities to cultivate and promote relationships that strengthen and support their leadership, learning and network, both inside and outside of manufacturing operations.
Women’s Alliance (WA): The mission of WA is to foster a collaborative environment at Stellantis to enable women to develop professionally and to become leaders at work and in the community. WA engages and motivates its members to network and build meaningful business relationships through participation in fun events and shared interests, including social events, like wine tasting, apothecary, yoga and cycle club, volunteer programs and educational workshops, such as executive lunch and learns and panel discussions.

Working Parents Network (WPN): The mission of WPN is to provide a networking platform for all working parents at Stellantis, to connect and to share knowledge about all phases of parenting, from family planning and childhood development to mental health, college and beyond. WPN offers a parent pairing program to connect ‘seasoned’ parents with new or expecting parents. WPN promotes lunch and learns, special presentations, social events, book clubs and mom-to-mom sales.
Society of Women Engineers (SWE): SWE supports and encourages women to achieve full potential in their careers as engineers and leaders, to expand the image of the engineering profession as a positive force and to demonstrate the value of diversity. SWE encourages female engineers and women in the automotive industry to network and support one another and to build a strong community of women in the workforce through networking events, social events, Women’s History Month celebrations, lab and facility tours, development workshops, lunch & learn sessions, internal focus groups, benchmarking activities, university recruiting and a career expo.