As any college student and their parents already know, preparing for a career is not cheap.
If you’re training to become an automotive service tech, tuition costs are just the start. Here’s a little-known fact: Auto techs buy their own tools.
It’s not uncommon for a long-time technician to have more than $25,000 invested in his or her tools. A basic set of professional-grade tools, which an auto tech student needs almost immediately, carries a sticker price of $10,000 or more.
Students typically finance the purchase of a starter tool kit. That just adds to the schooling debt total.
Mopar, working with FCA US dealers, has a different idea: Allow dealers to buy a comprehensive tool kit on behalf of the student. The tool kit is designed to grow with the technician throughout their career.
The new Mopar Student Tool program is another way FCA US is working with its dealers to attract and keep new service technicians. Mopar estimates that the FCA US dealer network needs to add 3,500 technicians over the next three years to service the growing number of vehicles on the road.
Helping students get their first set of professional tools is a powerful way to attract and retain service technicians, says Pietro Gorlier, Head of Parts and Service (Mopar), FCA – Global. It also works hand-in-hand with the Mopar Career Automotive Program (CAP and CAP Local), which matches service technician students with sponsoring FCA US dealerships to provide hands-on learning in the service department to compliment classroom learning at a nearby school.

The Mopar Student Tool Kit includes hand tools, electronic diagnostic tools and a specially wrapped tool box.
The Mopar Student Took Kit is more than just some sockets and open-end wrenches. The kit was designed with Snap-on Business Solutions, the FCA US dealer tool and equipment provider, and Snap-on Industrial – Educational Sales. It includes electronic testers and pneumatic-powered tools. It also includes some Mopar Essential Special Service Tools, a wiTECH microPOD, which connects to a vehicle’s electric interface to wirelessly read data and trouble codes. Everything in the kit was spec’d by Mopar staffers who began their careers as service techs.
It all comes in a rolling tool box wrapped with the Mopar Omega M logo and colors.
The Mopar Student Tool Kit is launching now. For more details, check with your local FCA US dealership or your local college’s auto service training program.