We’ve got your back … with the right truck to get the job done!
That’s the pledge the Ram Commercial division is making to growing numbers of small business owners across the country.
As the economy continues to improve, the upsurge in construction and housing starts, traditionally a bellwether of prosperity, is helping fuel the growth potential of small businesses …. from plumbers and electricians to landscapers, bakers, and everyone in between.
With a full line of best-in-class commercial trucks ready to meet those small business needs, Marissa Hunter, Head of Advertising for Ram Truck Brand, saidRam Commercial advertising is pulling out all the stops to push the Commercial division beyond the frontiers of “niche.”
Hunter said she sees this non-traditional approach as a vital component in continuing to keep Ram Commercial vehicles top-of-mind among small business consumers, as well as showcasing future Ram Commercial vehicles.
Check out all four of the new Ram Commercial small business owner ads: “Man Made Drama,” “Blow,” “Earth,” and “Sail.”
